Rewilding represents the collective stages from birth to midlife that women share on the road home to self.

Women are the heroes of this series, particularly those in midlife, unshackling themselves from who they thought they should be to reclaim the grace of their true nature and become the women they came here to be.

In 1998, I woke up on a bathroom floor, disorientated, hungover, confused, and chock full of shame. Like most women who find themselves in a life crisis that shakes their world to their core, I believed I was the only one on this planet flawed, suffering, and confused as to why my life was such a mess. 

I crawled to my knees, struggled to stand up, humiliation filled every cell in my body. What happened next, the decision to get help, was one small honest, courageous step in the direction of the real me.

I believe the ‘God slaps’, the tragedies we perceive as disasters are a call to change. When our hearts are smashed to smithereens, when we experience betrayal, health shocks, addictions, loveless marriages, the bank foreclosing on our home, or failed businesses, they all have gifts in the garbage. An invitation to grow, to reconnect with the untamed parts of ourselves.

Innumerable women have told me they believed these moments were suffered alone. Yet I have come to know through hundreds of conversations as a coach, that they are instead shared stages on the way home to our most authentic self. When we rediscover we are entwined and connected to nature, find the delicate balance between our feminine and masculine energy and the earthly and spiritual parts of ourselves. 

The road home to self isn’t easy but the rewards are there for all of us. 

My wish with this work is to allow women to be conscious of their wild nature, to love and safeguard it as much as possible, or if necessary, no matter how battle weary they feel, to take the steps necessary to regain it.

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